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Slot: secureBoot

If true, instances of the image are only started, if signature of software, such as firmware or operating system, are valid. Default: False.

URI: gx:secureBoot

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Image A software piece that can be executed by a virtual or bare metal Compute serv... no
PXEImage PXE image for physical machines no
VMImage Image for virtual machines no
ContainerImage Image available for containers no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: secureBoot
description: 'If true, instances of the image are only started, if signature of software,
  such as firmware or operating system, are valid. Default: False.'
title: Secure Boot
ifabsent: 'False'
alias: secureBoot
- Image
range: boolean