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Slot: manufacturedBy

A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participant manufacturing the resource.

URI: gx:manufacturedBy

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
PhysicalInterconnectionPointIdentifier TBD no
PointOfPresence Point of connection between separate communicating entities no
InternetExchangePoint Physical infrastructure allowing participants to interconnect their networks ... no
PhysicalResource A Physical resource is, but not limited to, a datacenter, a bare-metal servic... no
Datacenter A datacenter is an aggregation of availability zones no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: manufacturedBy
description: A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participant manufacturing
  the resource.
title: manufactured by
alias: manufacturedBy
- PhysicalResource
range: LegalPerson
multivalued: true