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Slot: governingLawCountries

Countries under whose laws the document is governed.

URI: gx:governingLawCountries

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
InformationSecurityRiskManagement Legal document describing the risk management related to information security no
RoleAndResponsibilities Legal document describing the role and responsibilities of the provider and t... no
AccessControlManagement Legal document describing the management of access controls within the organi... no
ProcurementManagementSecurity Legal document describing the security considerations in procurement manageme... no
InformationSecurityOrganization Legal document describing the information security organization within the en... no
CustomerAuditingRights Legal document describing the customer auditing rights no
BusinessContinuityMeasures Legal document describing the measures to ensure business continuity during s... no
LegallyBindingAct Legal document describing the legally binding act no
OperationalSecurity Legal document describing the operational security practices within the organ... no
DocumentChangeProcedures Legal document describing the provisions governing changes, regardless of the... no
ComplianceAssurance Legal document describing the assurance of compliance with security standards no
GovernmentInvestigationManagement Legal document describing the management of government investigations related... no
AssetsManagement Legal document describing the management of assets related to security no
DataProtectionRegulationMeasures Legal document addressing requirement measures concerning GDPR (as GDPR Art no
PhysicalSecurity Legal document describing the physical security measures within the organizat... no
ServiceAgreementOffer Legal document describing the ability to establish a contract per a set of go... no
CustomerDataProcessingTerms Legal document describing the processing terms regarding any Customer data th... no
CustomerDataAccessTerms Legal document describing the terms governing customer data access no
CopyrightAndIntellectualPropertyDocument Legal document describing the provisions governing aspects regarding copyrigh... no
SecurityIncidentManagement Legal document describing the management of security incidents no
EnvironmentalImpactReport Legal document describing the terms governing customer data access no
UserDocumentationMaintenance Legal document describing the maintenance of user documentation related to se... no
LegalDocument A document that has legal significance, typically outlining terms, conditions... no
ProductSecurity Legal document describing the security practices related to product developme... no
ChangeAndConfigurationManagement Legal document describing the management of changes and configurations relate... no
InformationSecurityPolicies Legal document describing the policies governing information security no
DevelopmentCycleSecurity Legal document describing the security practices during the development cycle no
EmployeeResponsibilities Legal document describing the responsibilities of employees in maintaining se... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

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LinkML Source

name: governingLawCountries
description: Countries under whose laws the document is governed.
title: Governing Law Countries
rank: 1000
alias: governingLawCountries
owner: LegalDocument
- LegalDocument
range: CountryNameAlpha2
multivalued: true