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URI: ChecksumAlgorithm

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
md5 None (Message Digest Method 5) Algorithm that generates a 128-bit digest, represen...
sha-1 None (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) Algorithm that generates a 160-bit digest, typicall...
sha-256 None Cryptographic algorithm that produces a fixed-length, 256-bit (32-byte) hash ...
sha-384 None This variant converts text of any length into a fixed-size string
sha-512 None This variant converts text of any length into a fixed-size string
sha-3 None Advanced version of the sha function, based on a sponge function approach, th...
ripemd-160 None RIPEMD-160 is a hash function from the RIPEMD (RIPE Message Digest) family th...
blake2 None Improved version of the sha-3 algorithm Blake, optimized for 64-bit platforms...
blake3 None Evolution of Bao and Blake2, although in contrast to these, doesn't offer dif...
other None Algorithm to calculate checksum not further described


Name Description
checkSumCalculation Algorithm used to create checksum
hashAlgorithm Algorithm used to create the checksum hash

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

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LinkML Source

name: ChecksumAlgorithm
    text: md5
    description: (Message Digest Method 5) Algorithm that generates a 128-bit digest,
      represented as 32-digit hexadecimal numbers, regardless the length of the input
    text: sha-1
    description: (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) Algorithm that generates a 160-bit digest,
      typically represented as 40-digit hexadecimal numbers, regardless the length
      of the input string.
    text: sha-256
    description: Cryptographic algorithm that produces a fixed-length, 256-bit (32-byte)
      hash value. The input text should be less than 264 bits length. The algorithm
      is irreversible by design.
    text: sha-384
    description: This variant converts text of any length into a fixed-size string.
      Each output produces a hash of 384 bits.
    text: sha-512
    description: This variant converts text of any length into a fixed-size string.
      Each output produces a hash of 512 bits (64 bytes).
    text: sha-3
    description: Advanced version of the sha function, based on a sponge function
      approach, that generates an output bit stream of a desired length (56, 64, 96
      or 128-digit hexadecimal numbers) depending of the sha-3 function version used.
    text: ripemd-160
    description: RIPEMD-160 is a hash function from the RIPEMD (RIPE Message Digest)
      family that generates 160-bit hashes represented as 40-digit hexadecimal numbers.
    text: blake2
    description: Improved version of the sha-3 algorithm Blake, optimized for 64-bit
      platforms, that generates digests of size between 1 and 64 bytes (Blake2b) or
      up to 32 bytes (Blake2s).
    text: blake3
    description: Evolution of Bao and Blake2, although in contrast to these, doesn't
      offer different variants depending on the architectures, but just a single algorithm.
    text: other
    description: Algorithm to calculate checksum not further described.