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7. Resource & Subclasses

More detail about the role of a resource in the Architecture document.

7.1 Resource

A resource that may be aggregated in a Service Offering or exist independently of it.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
aggregationOf[] 0..* State resources related to the resource and that can exist independently of it.
name 0..1 State A human readable name of the data resource
description 0..1 State A free text description of the data resource

7.2 Physical Resource

A Physical Resource inherits from a Resource.
A Physical resource is, but not limited to, a datacenter, a bare-metal service, a warehouse, a plant. Those are entities that have a weight and position in physical space.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
maintainedBy[] 1..* State a list of participant maintaining the resource in operational condition and thus having physical access to it.
ownedBy[] 0..* State a list of participant owning the resource.
manufacturedBy[] 0..* State a list of participant manufacturing the resource.
locationAddress[].countryCode 1..* State a list of physical locations in ISO 3166-2 alpha2, alpha-3 or numeric format.
location[].gps 0..* State a list of physical GPS in ISO 6709:2008/Cor 1:2009 format.

7.2.1 Sustainability

The list of the following attributes have to be linked to a service offering, physical resource or legal person.
The aim of the attributes is to allow a customer more educated and transparent decisions regarding the environmental impact.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
environmentalImpactReport 0..1 ownedBy or providedBy a resolvable link to an environmental impact report of the Provider or a link to a public database listing the organisation as a signatory of a public engagement to reach Climate Neutrality by 2030 (e.g. Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact - signatories).
powerUsageEffectiveness 0..1 ownedBy Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that describes how efficiently a computer data centre uses energy; specifically, how much energy is used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead that supports the equipment). PUE is the ratio of the total amount of energy used by a computer data centre facility to the energy delivered to computing equipment. The measurement is annually according to ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016 or EN 50600-4-2.A decimal number equal or greater than 1.0 is expected. For data centres and server rooms with a planned IT capacity at or below 2MW, energy consumed for office space, ancillary building space, and general usage may be excluded from PUE calculations. For this case exclusions have to be mentioned.
waterUsageEffectiveness 0..1 ownedBy Water usage effectiveness (WUE) is used to measure data centre sustainability in terms of water usage and its relation to energy consumption. It is calculated as the ratio between water used at the data centre (water loops, adiabatic towers, humidification, etc.) and energy delivered to the IT equipment. WUE will be measured using the category 1 site value, per ISO/IEC 30134-9:2022 standard.
waterType 0..* ownedBy Breakdown of the types of water used. Potable water is free from contamination that is safe to drink or to use for food and beverage preparation and personal hygiene, in adherence to ISO/IEC 30134-9:2022.Freshwater is water having a low concentration of dissolved solids, in adherence to ISO 14046:2016. Greywater is wastewater with a low pollution level, no faecal matter, and reuse potential, in adherence to ISO 12056-1:2000. Blackwater is wastewater with significant pollution level without reuse potential, or recycled blackwater that has gone through tertiary treatment, in adherence to ISO 12056-1:2000.Seawater or brackish is water with significant salinity, in adherence to ISO 14046:2016.
climateType 0..1 ownedBy Cool climates are those that are at or below a cooling degree day measurement of 49.99 based on annual data in 2019 for the NUTS 2 Region compiled by Eurostat. Warm climates are those that are at or above a cooling degree day measurement of 50.00 based on annual data in 2019 for the NUTS 2 Region compiled by Eurostat.
energyConsumption 0..1 ownedBy In Megawatt-Hours (MwH).
renewableEnergyAmount[] 0..* State Renewable is defined as technologies identified as renewable under Directive 2009/28/EC and carbon-free energy means any type of electricity generation from wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, biogases, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage. Renewable energy is measured based on the Renewable Energy Factor defined by CSN EN 50600-4-3; or a company may also measure renewable energy or carbon-free energy based on a publicly available methodology; or a company may measure renewable energy or carbon-free energy based on a published third party methodology, such as Green-e, RE100 or the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Renewable energy can be measured at the facility, country, or company portfolio level within the Member States of the European Union. Claims should be proven by certificates (e.g. with a power purchase agreement (PPA), Guarantee of origin (GoO) or Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) and amount in MWh).
dataReplication 0..1 ownedBy Amount of data replications for security, back-up and other reasons.
lifetimeExpectation 0..1 ownedBy List of lifetime expectations of meaningful components (datacentres, buildings …) and the methodology used in the assessment.
ecolabels[] 0..* State Ecolabels of equipment e.g.from but not limited to TCO or Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT).
energyBandwidthEfficiency 0..* ownedBy Break down of the bandwidth / energy consumption.
environmentManagementSystem[] 0..* State List of certificates covering the environment management and the exact scope of it (e.g. group-wide). The list might include ISO14001, ISO14040, ISO14044, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139,and the CNDCP Auditing Framework to make data centres climate neutral by 2030.
lifeCycleAssessment[] 0..* State Description of life cycle assessment e.g. based on ITU L.1410 or ETSI 203 199 Methodology application.This Methodology is a complement to the ISO 14040 & 14044 for environmental life cycle assessments of information and communication technology goods, networks and services. Compliance to all requirements may not be possible deviations from the requirements shall be clearly motivated and reported.

7.3 Virtual Resource

A Virtual Resource inherits from a Resource.
A Virtual resource is a resource describing recorded information such as, and not limited to, a dataset, a software, a configuration file, an AI model. Special subclasses of Virtual Resource are SoftwareResource and DataResource.


VirtualResource <|-- SoftwareResource
VirtualResource <|-- DataResource 
Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
copyrightOwnedBy[] 1..* State A list of copyright owners either as a free form string or participant URIs from which Self-Descriptions can be retrieved. A copyright owner is a person or organization that has the right to exploit the resource. Copyright owner does not necessarily refer to the author of the resource, who is a natural person and may differ from copyright owner.
license[] 1..* State A list of SPDX identifiers or URL to document
policy[] 1..* State a list of policy expressed using a DSL (e.g., Rego or ODRL) (access control, throttling, usage, retention, …)

The license refers to the license of the virtual resource - data or software, not the license of potential instance of that virtual resource.

If there is no specified usage policy constraints on the VirtualResource, the policy should express a simple default: allow intent.

7.4 Data Resource

A data resource is a subclass of virtual resource exposed through a service instance.
It’s also known as a Data Product as described in the Gaia-X Data Exchange specification document.

A data resource is extending the DCAT-3 Dataset class and primarily refers to an analytical dataset exposed via one or more InstantiatedVirtualResource service access points.

The data resource consists of the characterisation of the actual data as a description of the “contractual” part. At minimum, this self-description needs to contain all information so that a consumer can initiate a contract negotiation. All other attributes that are used to describe the data are optional. However, the provider has an interest to precisely describe the data so that it can be found and consumed. If the data resource is published in a catalogue, the data provider might precisely describe the data resource so that it can be found and consumed by data consumers.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
producedBy 1 State a resolvable link to the participant self-description legally enabling the data usage
exposedThrough[] 1..* producedBy A resolvable link to the data exchange component that exposes the data resource.
obsoleteDateTime 0..1 producedBy date time in ISO 8601 format after which data is obsolete.
expirationDateTime 0..1 producedBy date time in ISO 8601 format after which data is expired and shall be deleted.
containsPII 1 producedBy boolean determined by Participant owning the Data Resource
dataController 0..* producedBy data controller Participant as defined in GDPR.
consent[] 0..* dataController list of consents covering the processing activities from the data subjects as Natural Person when the dataset contains PII.

Consistency rules

  • the keypair used to sign the Data Resource claims must be traceable to the producedBy participant of the Data Resource.
  • If the data are about data subjects as one or more Natural Persons, or sensitive data as defined in GDPR article 9, than dataController and consent are mandatory.
    To avoid data re-identification, this rule applies independently if the data is raw, pseudo-anonymized or anonymized. (Note: This is on purpose beyond GDPR requirements.)
  • if dataController is specified, the keypair used to sign at least the Data Resource consent claims must be traceable to the dataController.
  • Generic authorisation and purpose, not specific to PII nor consent should be expected inside the inherited policy attribut using ODRL Permission and ODRL Duty rules.
Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
legalBasis 1 dataController One of the reasons as detailed in the identified Personal Data Protection Regimes, formated as a string matching <protectionRegime>:<article number>
dataProtectionContactPoint 1..* dataController ContactPoint of the Data Protection Officer or Participant responsible for the management of personal or sensitive data
purpose[] 1..* dataController Purposes of the processing. It is recommended to use well know controlled vocabulary such as the Data Privacy Vocabulary:Purposes
consentWithdrawalContactPoint 1..* dataController ContactPoint of the Participant to whom formulate a withdrawal consent request

Consistency Rules

  • If legalBasis is in [6.1.a, 9.2.a], then either dataProtectionContactPoint and consentWithdrawalContactPoint are mandatory.
  • If legalBasis is not in [6.1.a, 9.2.a], then purpose is mandatory.
Example of LegalBasis value Example for `GDPR2016` with [article 6]( or [article 9]( - `GDPR2016:6.1.a` - `GDPR2016:6.1.4` - `GDPR2016:9.2.j`
Example of consent
  "consent": [
      "consentDuration": "90d",
      "legalBasis": "6.1.b",
      "purpose": ["Account Management", "Identity Verification"]